Web Design / Development

Suzie London

Suzie London

About Me

Web Designer & Front-end Developer

My classically trained background in fine art comfortably led to learning the essential drawing tools on a computer in the early 90’s which then easily transitioned to the web in the late 90’s.

I have over 20 years of web design and development experience. From the beginnings of HTML 4.01, the official standard in 1999, along with the start of CSS, I enjoyed drawing web design concepts in PhotoShop and transitioning those layouts into html to bring them to life.

Things changed drastically over the years, from complex but unique layouts, to the emergence of multiple competing content management systems. From the animation trends using Macromedia Flash, and back to more simplified layouts highlighting the content people were looking for, what you do and contact information.

Social media then changed everything again and I always embrace it, trying to keep up and stay excited for the next big thing (AI).


I am currently not taking any new clients. If you’d like to contact me or have any questions, you can reach me at suzie@32boroughs.com.